Waterbabies Age 0-2

Bathtime Babies: (Birth-5 months)  FREE LESSONS-Parent must be in the water.  This is a FREE weekly program offered to parents of newborns.  Parents are instructed on how to use their bath time at home with their babies for socialization, bonding, and introduction to the wonderful world of water.  Infants holding their heads up may attend.  ($45 annual registration fee applies)

Waterbabies:  (2-35 months)  One parent/adult must be in the water and wear a shirt over his/her swim attire.  Learning through songs, interactive games, and group activities appeals to a child’s sense of curiosity, wonder and play.  This is all complimented by colorful toys and other engaging aquatic apparatus.  Babies and toddlers increase confidence and learn to submerge comfortably with eight-ten second breath control.  Final Goals *Comfort in Water, *Submerge and Turn to Wall, *Comfort on Back and *8-10 second Breath Control. 

Waterbabies +:  (6 -35 months)  Parents must be in the water and wear a shirt over his/her attire.  This class is for babies and toddlers who can already submerge comfortably for eight to ten seconds and have mastered Waterbabies Final Goals.  Toddlers are challenged to be more independent in a fun environment.  Final Goals *Submerge, Turn and Grab Wall, *Wall Hang, *Backfloat, *Independent Kicking 5 Feet, *Masters Rollover Breath  (Waterbabies and Waterbabies + are in the same class but different swimming techniques are taught)

Advanced Waterbabies: (24-35 months)  Parents are not in water, but view the class through glass.  This is a class for two year olds who have no swim skills.  Fun songs and aquatic activities increase confidence while toddlers learn to submerge comfortably and begin to move through the water.  Final Goals *8-10 second Breath Control, *Comfort with Assisted Backfloat, *Independent Kicking 10 feet, *Monkey Walk, *Independent Swim 5-10 Ft. and *Independent Turn to Wall after falling in.

Super Waterbabies:(24-35 months)  Parents are not in the water, but view the class through glass.  This class is for two year olds who have mastered the final goals of the Advanced Waterbabies course.  Final Goals *15 Ft. Swim with Rollover Breath, *Jump Turn Grab Wall, *Backfloat 10 seconds (song), * 5 Ft. Back Kick Glide, * Independent Kicking 15 Feet.

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Fort Wayne Elkhart

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